Sunday, November 29

Kafka on the Shore

by Haruki Murakami

At first glance, you take in all these information: the book cover, author's name, and thickness of the book. And you conclude to ignore it. You walk pass, and buy Twilight instead.

Kafka on the Shore is one of the deepest and richest books I've ever read. It's a novel filled with various metaphors about life, which not only forces you to decipher the plot but also makes you think about life. Haruki Murakami is by far one of the best post-modern writer I've encountered.

This piece is the epitome of the saying: 'Don't judge the book by it's cover' and I cannot wait to read more of his works.

Some of the memorable doodles so far are:

'... a certain type of perfection can only be realised through a limitless accumulation of the imperfect.'

'People soon get tired of things that aren't boring, but not of what is boring.'

'Reality's just the accumulation of ominous prophecies come to life.'

'... in everybody's life there's a point of no return. And in a very few cases, a point where you can't go forward any more. And when we reach that point, all we can do is quietly accept the fact. That's how we survive. '

'It's as Tolstoy said: happiness is an allegory, unhappiness a story. '

simply amazing.

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